CREST Certified CCTAPP Questions
- Exam Name: CREST Certified Tester - Application - Written Exam
- Certification: CREST Certified
- Vendor Name: CREST
- Exam Code: CCTAPP
- Update on: January 31, 2025
- Questions: 100
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Why choose CREST CCTAPP dumps for the preparation of Exam certification?
If you are struggling for a successful professional career then it is necessary to boost your skills in the field of IT. CREST Certified Tester - Application - Written Exam certification can help you to proceed successfully in your professional career. Prepare through updated and verified CCTAPP exam dumps that will not only increase the worth of your resume but it will also open doors to new job opportunities. CREST Certified will help you to proceed successfully in your professional career.
Topics Covered:
- Web Application Security Testing:
- Identification of common web vulnerabilities (OWASP Top 10) such as SQL injection, Cross-Site Scripting (XSS), Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF), and Insecure Deserialization.
- Testing for business logic vulnerabilities, insecure session management, and authentication flaws.
- Identifying and exploiting access control vulnerabilities (horizontal and vertical privilege escalation).
- Mobile Application Security Testing:
- Understanding of mobile application platforms (iOS, Android).
- Identifying weaknesses in mobile-specific components such as data storage, secure communication, and permission handling.
- Reverse engineering mobile apps and testing for vulnerabilities in mobile APIs and web services.
- Authentication and Authorization Mechanisms:
- Evaluating and testing authentication schemes such as Single Sign-On (SSO), OAuth, and multifactor authentication.
- Assessing the security of session management, cookies, and token-based authentication mechanisms (JWT).
- Bypassing authentication mechanisms through logical flaws or vulnerabilities.
- Input Validation and Data Sanitization:
- Identifying flaws in input validation across various entry points in web and mobile apps.
- Testing for injection attacks like SQL Injection, Command Injection, and XML External Entity (XXE) attacks.
- Testing for client-side validation flaws, bypassing input restrictions, and discovering hidden parameters.
- Secure Coding Practices:
- Identifying insecure coding practices that lead to vulnerabilities.
- Analyzing code for flaws that can be exploited by attackers, such as unsafe handling of sensitive data.
- Understanding and testing for buffer overflows, memory leaks, and improper error handling.
- File Upload and Download Handling:
- Testing for vulnerabilities in file upload functionality (e.g., unrestricted file upload).
- Testing for path traversal attacks in file handling mechanisms.
- Analyzing the security implications of file downloads and injection points.
- Cryptography in Applications:
- Evaluating the implementation of encryption and hashing algorithms.
- Identifying weak or incorrect usage of cryptographic primitives.
- Testing for key management issues and insecure storage of sensitive data.
- Client-Side Security:
- Assessing vulnerabilities in JavaScript, HTML5, and browser-based attacks.
- Testing for issues in client-side frameworks (React, Angular, etc.).
- Identifying potential risks in DOM-based XSS and Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) misconfigurations.
- Web Services and API Testing:
- Testing RESTful and SOAP APIs for security vulnerabilities.
- Assessing API authentication, access control mechanisms, and rate limiting.
- Identifying and exploiting API-specific vulnerabilities, such as IDOR (Insecure Direct Object Reference), and mass assignment issues.
- Reporting and Remediation Recommendations:
- Creating detailed, technical vulnerability reports outlining the vulnerabilities found.
- Providing recommendations for securing the identified issues with clear remediation advice.
User friendly CREST CCTAPP Exam Dumps
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100% Success assurance with Updated and Verified CCTAPP PDF Dumps
CCTAPP pdf dumps are prepared by CREST experts. So there is no need to worry about results as CREST Certified Tester - Application - Written Exam are based on the knowledge and wisdom of experts who have tried their best to ensure the success of candidates on the initial try. In any case, if you are not able to pass the exams then all of the money will be refunded. So feel free to prepare through 100% authentic CCTAPP exam questions and answers.
In addition, there is a special discount on CREST Certified exam questions. It will make it easy for you to purchase CCTAPP exam dumps and ensure success in the certification. ValidQuestions provides free updates for 90 days on CREST CCTAPP pdf dumps. If there is any change in exam dumps or patterns then updates will help you to maintain track of preparation without any problem. Updates will help you to prepare according to the syllabus and pattern of real CCTAPP pdf dumps.
Real and Authentic CREST CCTAPP Dumps
ValidQuestions provides authentic CREST Certified Tester - Application - Written Exam dumps. All the exam dumps are designed on the pattern of real CCTAPP dumps. It will help you to feel a real exam-like environment that will boost your confidence and reduce tension to achieve CCTAPP dumps certification on the initial try. There is a team of experts available 24/7 to facilitate candidates. If you find any kind of problem with the exam dumps pattern then you can freely contact our support team for help. So prepare through valid and reliable CREST Certified Tester - Application - Written Exam to proceed successfully in your professional career.
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Become CREST Certified certified in the first attempt with CREST CCTAPP exam questions and answers.
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Indira F. –
It was a long journey to prepare for the CREST CCTAPP exam until I found ValidQuestions.
Indira F. –
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Jason N. –
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Eugene K. –
Crum G. –
I am so happy to score the highest grades in CREST Certified Tester – Application – Written Exam certification only because of ValidQuestions.
Crum G. –
Johnny W. –
It was a long journey to prepare for the CREST CCTAPP exam until I found ValidQuestions.
Johnny W. –
Lee Y. –
ValidQuestions is very helpful for preparation. I got CREST CCTAPP exam questions at reasonable prices and scored the highest marks. Thank ValidQuestions.
Lee Y. –
Alan J. –
It helps me to achieve my desired CCTAPP percentage on the first try. Cheers
Alan J. –