Certified Wireless IoT Solutions Administrator CWISA-102 Questions
- Exam Name: CWNP Certified Wireless IoT Solutions Administrator Exam
- Certification: Certified Wireless IoT Solutions Administrator
- Vendor Name: CWNP
- Exam Code: CWISA-102
- Update on: February 6, 2025
- Questions: 67
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Certified Wireless IoT Solutions Administrator CWISA-102 Questions [year]
Question: 1
What is the most common difference between a single board computer (SBC) and a controller board?
A. SBCs typically have connectors for display and input devices while controller boards do not
B. Controller boards have I/O headers and SBCs do not
C. SBCs always have connectors for M2 devices and controller boards do not
D. Controller boards have more powerful processors than most SBCs
Answer: A
SBCs (Single Board Computers): Designed as standalone, small-form-factor computers. They often include:
Display Interfaces: HDMI, DisplayPort, etc.
Input Connections: USB for keyboards, mice, etc.
General Purpose Functionality: Can run a full operating system for wider applications. Controller Boards: Focus on controlling specific hardware or systems.
Limited direct I/O: Limited connectors for displays/input devices.
Specialized tasks: Designed for embedded applications within larger systems. References
SBC Examples: https://www.raspberrypi.org/, https://www.beagleboard.org/ Controller Board Examples: https://www.arduino.cc/
Question: 2
You are considering the implementation of a lab for testing wireless equipment. What is the primary benefit of such a lab? (Choose the single best answer.)
A. Provides for testing to determine how much RF exposure you can tolerate
B. Provides a failover environment for your production systems
C. Provides a way to repurpose old hardware that is not ready for final removal
D. Provides a safe environment in which to develop practical skills and knowledge of a technology and to test the technology
Answer: D
Lab Purpose: Wireless testing labs offer controlled settings to:
Skill Development: Hone practical understanding of wireless technologies without impacting production environments.
Experimentation: Safely test different configurations, compatibility, and potential issues. Troubleshooting: Isolate problems, test solutions, and understand how equipment behaves in various scenarios.
Other Benefits (While not the primary benefit):
Learning Environment: Ideal for structured training and exploration. Evaluation: Compare hardware performance before deployment.
Benefits of IT Labs: Can be extended from wireless to broader IT experimentation and learning. (Articles on this topic are readily available)
Question: 3
What is the typical range of a wireless body area network (WBAN)?
A. 1-2 meters
B. 10 square meters
C. 10 centimeters
D. 10 meters
Answer: A
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